world map

Landfall Strategy Group was founded by David Skilling in Singapore in 2011 and is now based in the Netherlands.  Our core thesis was – and is – that the global economic and geopolitical system is shifting disruptively, and that standard ways of understanding the world and making decisions need to be updated.  New maps are needed for this new world to navigate successfully to make landfall.

Firms, investors, and governments that can understand and respond to these changes most quickly and effectively will generate a competitive advantage.  In a deeply uncertain environment of change, we help our clients to see through the fog.  We focus on clarifying emerging global economic and geopolitical dynamics, identifying the key risks and opportunities that our clients need to focus on.

Initially focused on supporting governments, we now work extensively with firms and investors around the world.  By helping our clients better understand the economic and political dynamics at work, we support them to make better strategic decisions: from allocating capital, to adjusting their global market and supply chain footprint, and the design of economic strategy.

We have three areas of focus:

Global insights: We integrate analysis on global macro, geopolitics, and economic policy into distinctive, actionable insights.  We focus on the way in which geopolitical dynamics and shocks affect macro policy, global trade and investment flows, and economic strategy (such as industrial and innovation policy); as well as the way in which economic drivers shape geopolitical relations, such as the likely extent of decoupling. 

At a time of disruptive change, this integrated advice provides an understanding of the key challenges and opportunities.  Our perspectives provide frequently out-of-consensus insights on issues from the conduct of macro policy to the shape of global economic fragmentation.  For firms and long-term investors, these advance insights can be very valuable.

Country insights: We provide advice on the impact of geopolitics, domestic politics and policy on country outlooks and risk profiles.  Our country analysis is based on proprietary indexes as well as a structured qualitative approach to economic and political issues.  In addition to analysis of near-term events, our primary focus is on long-term growth drivers of performance – such as institutional strength and national exposures to a changing global economy.

These insights help firms and investors to make informed decisions about their market and supply chain footprint, as well as the allocation of capital across countries.  In a new world, the identity of winners and losers will be different than over the past few decades.

Economic strategy: We have distinctive expertise in developing economic strategy in small advanced economies, helping governments to position their economies in a changing global economic and geopolitical context.  Two decades of proprietary small economy research and advice provides a deep understanding of the specific dynamics and exposures of small advanced economies.  Combined with an understanding of the emerging global context, we help governments to design economic strategies that advance economic dynamism and resilience.  


For more on how we provide this strategic advisory support to clients, see Our Services.